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Our music


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Geoffery’s Garden offers many programs for parents in our home, we also work closely with:


  • The Thunderwing Project

  • Agape Table

  • Employment and Income Assistance

  • Child and Family Services

  • AFM Counselors

  • Treatment centers / detox

  • Elders - and Knowledge Keepers


Some of the programs we offer include:

  • Nobody’s Perfect

  • Healthy relationships 

  • Triple P

  • Self esteem

  • Circle of Security

  • Wellness Class

  • Group addiction classes

  • 12 Step meetings

  • Cooking and community meals

  • Family routines and structure 

  • Meal planning and budgeting 


Some of the spiritual support we offer are:

  • Sharing Circles

  • Walking the Red Road

  • Wellbriety 

  • Sweat Lodges

  • Sacred Fires

  • Traditional Drumming

  • Skirt making, bundle making

  • Full Moon Ceremonies

  • Pipe Ceremony


A Healing Home for parents on a journey of recovery from addiction and trauma.


To accelerate the reunification of children to their parents.


Healed People,

Heal People.



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